Adopted May 1984
Last amended May 2014
Sect. I NAME
This Organization shall be known as the Young Men’s Lyceum of Tarrytown.
For the purpose of establishing and maintaining Recreation Rooms, Reading Room, Library and Bowling Alleys, and the scheduling of such activities as athletic events, social gatherings and festivities, etc., as its Board of Directors may approve for the Membership.
There shall be three classes of membership:
• Active
• Junior Active
• Honorary
In addition, certain members designated as Life Members under a prior version of this Constitution shall continue to hold that status, with all the same benefits.The Active Membership shall be limited to one hundred twenty-five members, the total to be increased or decreased when expedient, and at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Any male person, being twenty-one years of age, or older, and possessing good moral character, shall be eligible to Active Membership.
Applicants shall pay the initiation fee and full annual dues prescribed by the By-Laws at the time the applications are submitted for membership. Applicants who join with less than three months remaining in the year, will pay a prorated dues for the time remaining in that year plus a full year dues.
Junior Active Membership will be open to the sons of club members with
membership in good standing. Good standing shall be subject to the discretion of The Board. Junior members must be 21 years of age. Junior membership continues until the junior member reaches the age of 25. Junior members in good standing are entitled to all the rights and privileges of Active Members in good standing. Application must be posted on the Lyceum bulletin board for thirty days prior to a vote validating the membership by the Board of Directors.
Junior members will be subject to a probationary period during their junior term. A junior membership term in good standing is subject to the assessment and discretion of The Board. Behavior detrimental to the clubroom, its facilities or the Lyceum’s reputation will be strictly disciplined during the probationary period. Failure to adhere to the Lyceum’s policies could result in immediate loss of membership privileges.Honorary Membership may be conferred upon any male person of reputable standing, and when admitted, such member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Active Members, except the right to vote and hold office; nor shall he have the right to, or interest in, the properties or assets of the Lyceum.
Membership in Respite may be conferred upon any member by a majority vote of the board of directors who has moved at least 100 miles away from Tarrytown, is current with their dues, and has been a member for at least 12 months. During the period of respite, the yearly dues will be reduced by 50%. Members in Respite are entitled to all rights, privileges, and obligations as Active Members.
Leave of Absence. The Board may at its discretion allow a member a “Leave of Absence” from the club based upon a written request from the member explaining their circumstances. The Board will take into consideration the member’s reasons, conduct while at the club, their respect for fellow members and their participation in club sponsored events, dinners and cleanings. If a member is granted a Leave of Absence and owes any dues or monies to the club, these fees must be paid in full along with the current year’s dues and assessments before the member may be reinstated to an active member.
The Officers of the Lyceum shall be a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Immediate Past President, and there will be six Directors, who, together, shall constitute the Board of Directors, in which shall be vested the government and management of the Lyceum. The term of office for each Officer shall be two years, except for the Immediate Past President, who shall serve as a member of the Board until he is replaced by his successor in that role. The six Directors shall serve staggered three year terms. Officers (other than the Immediate Past President) shall be elected by ballot by the voting members at the Annual Membership meeting every other year. Two Directors shall be elected by a ballot of the voting Members every year.
When a vacancy shall occur in any office, said vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by ballot by the Board of Directors at their next regularly monthly meeting, except for the office of Immediate Past President, who, if he chooses to step down during an unexpired term, shall not be replaced.
The Officers and Directors shall be protected from liability for any conduct undertaken in the execution of such office to the fullest extent allowed by law, including, without limitation, the protections afforded by Section 720-a of the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.
The annual membership meeting of the Lyceum shall be held on the second Monday of May of each year, or such other date as the Board shall designate, the business of which shall be the submitting of the annual reports of the officers, retiring officers and standing committee chairmen.
A special meeting of the Lyceum shall be held whenever the Board of Directors may deem necessary, or whenever ten voting members of the Lyceum shall present to the President a written request for a special meeting of the membership. At least seven (7) days notice of a special meeting shall be given each member, specifying the object of the meeting. No other business than that specified in the notice shall be transacted.
Twenty-five percent of the voting members shall constitute a quorum at any membership meeting.
The Board of Directors shall hold a monthly meeting on the second
Tuesday of each month, or such other date as they shall designate. Special meetings shall be called by the President or any three of The Board of Directors upon notice being given each member of The Board at least 48 hours before the time appointed therefore. Five members of The Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business at any meeting.In the event all the business to be brought before any meeting of the Lyceum or the Board of Directors cannot be fully acted upon or completed at that meeting, it shall be lawful to adjourn said meeting for said purpose to any stated time.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint, with instructions for their guidance, the following standing committees of the Lyceum; the chairman of each committee to be one of the Board of Directors, and its members selected from the general membership:
• Committee in Athletics and Entertainment, with three members;
• Committee on the House, with three members;
• Committee on Library and Lyceum History, with two members;
• Committee on Membership, with three members;
• Committee on Finance, three members of the Board of Directors (one of
whom must be the Treasurer) and any number of members so determined by the Board;
• Committee on Technology, with two members
• Committee on Nominations, with three members appointed at least two
months before the annual meeting, which shall be dissolved upon completion of the annual meeting;
• Committee on Legal, with two members.
• Committee on Good & Welfare, with two members.The Board of Directors may also in its discretion appoint Committees on an ad hoc basis as necessary to address and report back to the Board on specific issues of importance to the Lyceum.
An applicant is admitted to membership in the Lyceum in accordance with the following procedure:
The application for Active and Junior – Active Membership shall be properly filled-out, and signed by a sponsoring member and at least two additional co-sponsors. Payment by check of the initiation fee then in effect, and annual dues then in effect, must accompany these forms.
The sponsor shall submit the application to the Membership Committee electronically and submit the applicant’s payment to the Treasurer. The applicant’s name will be posted on the Bulletin Board in the club room and circulated to the membership by email. After five (5) days, the check will be deposited and key to the Lyceum provided to the new Member.
New Members will be on probation until formally approved at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
The applicant shall appear before the Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting following the submission of the application, at which time the Board shall vote on whether to formally approve the new Member and conclude the probationary period.
An applicant for membership may be denied by (i) three negative ballots from Members in good standing, reported to the Board during the thirty day bulletin board period, or (ii) a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
A member may be expelled from membership in the Lyceum for conduct unbecoming, improper or prejudicial to the interests of the organization. Notice will be given to the member to appear before the Board of Directors at their next regularly scheduled monthly meeting, to show cause why he should not be expelled from membership. Expulsion shall be by majority vote of the Board members present at the meeting.
A member may also be expelled from membership in the Lyceum for nonpayment of dues. In January of each year, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Directors all members delinquent in payment of dues from the previous calendar year. The Board of Directors shall instruct the Secretary to send a notification to the delinquent members stating that unless payment is made within thirty (30) days, they will be expelled from membership. This grace period can be extended at the discretion of the Board for an additional thirty (30) days. If payment is not made within the required period, the member shall be expelled automatically without the requirement of a Board vote, and the Secretary shall send notice of expulsion to the member with a demand for return of the key(s) to the Lyceum.
The legal title to all property, the effects and assets of the Lyceum, shall be held in trust by the Board of Directors, and shall be under the entire control, management and direction of the Board.
All amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed in writing over the signature of the proposer, who must be a voting member in good standing, or by the Board. Any proposal for amendment must be posted on the Lyceum bulletin board, and given to the Secretary for distribution by email to all members who have provided an email address, at least one month before the annual meeting, at which time action will be taken on the proposed amendment. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the members present and entitled to vote at the annual meeting, shall be required for the adoption of any amendment.